Thursday, July 12, 2007

Vanessa Rox

Dont talk

A GOOD SONG (no words can describe it)

Coulors of the wind


Disney mania 5


I So love the lyrics of the song you know i mean its something that happens to all of us

Miley RoX

Those are some of my fave hannah montana's songs but if you want any othe song just request in the shout box.


the poll is over since Vanessa and Miley tied up
im gunna post a lot of songs for them just request in the Shoutbox.any song for them

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Hey Guyz If u want any song just tell me in the shoutbox.and i'll try to download it

The New Breaking Free Is Here! I love this more than Breaking Free. . It's a great rip. I have listen to this song over a 1,000 times. I Hope You Enjoy This. Also I want to say, you guys are the music in me.

Here is a song that the cast of Hannah Montana performed in an episode of the show. It is called the Bone Dance.its cool

Hey Guyz Thats A Cool song by Miley Cyrus (Make Some Noise) it has awesome lyrics.That's the chorus Don't let anyone

Tell you that you're not strong enough

Don't give up There's nothing wrong with just being yourself

That's more than enough

Some come on and raise your voice

Speak up loud and make some noise

And sing Hey, hey Make some noise Hey, hey, yeah

this song has strong message.